2024 Rules, Format and Policies
Series Dues - $200 due by 3/6/2024. FULL YEAR DISCOUNT PRICE: $980 (Championship deposit NOT included!!!)
Tournament Fees - $65 is due the Saturday 2 weeks prior to each tournament. Additional tee times will NOT be added to accommodate those that pay after the 2 week deadline. Deposits received after the deadline, during the two week period prior to the event will fill holes in the final foursome and then start the alternate list on a first paid, first in bases.
Mail checks, payable to Drew Lautenslager or Mike Beacham, 3208 Buckingham Drive, Toano VA 23168. Email address [email protected], web site – www.themicrotour.com
Payments can also be made on the website (member’s lounge) via Venmo or Zelle.
Contact Drew directly if you want to use ApplePay.
Handicaps – The Micro Tour Series uses USGA handicap formulas for Micro Tour indexes and tournament handicap calculations. Only official Micro Tour scores from the last two calendar years will be used. A player’s performance in tournaments determines handicaps. Below is the table for the number of scores used to calculate a player’s index per tournaments played:
Rookies will not have an official Micro Tour index until after their 5th tournament. Rounds played as a guest in the last two calendar years can be counted towards their first 5 tournaments. The best differential (index for that round) of their first 5 tournament rounds will determine the new member’s initial index. This index will be adjusted to the slope and course ratings of the first five events played. These course handicaps, subtracted from the gross scores posted, will determine the rookie’s net scores in the first 5 tournaments. The combined total of these 5 scores will place the rookie on the leader board. Rookies will not be eligible for IKEA points, trophies or top 10 finishing money until their 6th event.
2022 Add: A players tournament handicap, regardless of tee will be limited to 36, or no more than 2 strokes per hole. This will help with pace of play.
Senior Members: Any member at least 60 years old as of the start of the season will have the option of playing senior or forward tees. Once committed to playing the senior tees, senior members will play senior tees at every event that offers a senior or forward tee option that has been rated for men. Courses without a men’s rated forward tee option will allow senior members to play regular tees with the rest of the field.
Adopted 2021 USGA Rule Change: Any player can play the forward tee option, and their course handicap will be adjusted accordingly to the slope and course rating for that tee box.
Players opting to play the back tee option must be getting less than 20 strokes based on slope and course rating for that tee box.
Series Format – All medal play net score tournaments make up the Micro Tour Series. The best 5 net scores, in relation to par, are combined to position all players on the leader board.
Pairings - New members will be paired with their sponsor for their two to three tournaments. Blind draw will determine the pairings until the last two tournaments when pairings are made according to leader board position. Typically foursomes will consist of 2 higher and 2 lower handicap players.
Tournament Check In - To avoid a two (2) stroke penalty for late check in, players must check in at least 30 minutes prior to shotgun starts or tee times. At check in you get your handicap, maximum hole score and any rules/announcements concerning the tournament. Side bet money is collected and raffle tickets are sold at check in.
Scorecard - Each player is responsible for his own gross score being correct. Each group will have one scorecard attested by all members of the group. This will be the group’s official card. When you sign the scorecard you are attesting that each hole score and the 9 and 18 hole gross totals are correct. If the scorekeepers find mistakes on any hole score or the math, corrections will be made and a two (2) stroke penalty will be added to your net score. Double check your score before you attest the card!
Tie Breaker - Whenever possible we will have a sudden death playoff to break a tie for first place trophy and prize money. All other ties will split money except at the championship where the final round will be the tie breaker to determine how much money is won. If we cannot have a playoff, we will match cards (based on net score) starting at the #18 hdcp hole and work backward through the easiest hdcp holes until the tie is broken. The matching of cards will only determine who gets the trophy and money will be split just as all other ties outside first place split money. Ties for HA will be broken based on handicap. The player with the lower handicap for that day, based on tees played, will win HA. If the tied players' handicap for the day/tees played is the same (which happened on Saturday), then the player with the lowest index will win HA.
Winner Bar Tab - The tradition of the winner paying the bar tab for those in attendance post round is at the sole discretion of the winner. Unless otherwise stated by the winner, the drink selection will be limited to one per person, a single shot drink or a beer.
Official Tournaments - All groups must complete 18 holes to have a net score to post for leader board position. If, due to weather closing the course or the majority of the field votes to stop play, we will pay the purse and award the trophy only if all players complete the same 9 holes. If even one group completes fewer than 9 holes (or not the same nine holes), the tourney IS NOT OFFICIAL. Only official tournament scores are used for the players Micro Tour Handicap.
Tournament Drop Outs - If inside of 5 days prior to the event (the Monday before the event) you can NOT play the tournament, your deposit will be lost if there is not an alternate available. You need to contact Drew Lautenslager or tournament director as soon as you find out you cannot play a tournament. If the golf course charges us greens fees for no shows, the cost of actual greens fees is forfeited. If there is an alternate to take a drop out’s spot, the drop out’s deposit will be refunded. When we book tee times based on the number of deposits paid by the 2 week deadline, we are committed to the golf course to pay that many greens fees. We are at the mercy of the golf course’s policy for no shows. Drop out prior to 5 days has no penalty, inside of 5 days forfeits green fees if the spot is not filled by an alternate. Only the actual greens fee will be lost if it is less than the $65 collected.
2020 New rule - ball OB (white stakes), a provisional is no longer required if you know it went out of bounds (white stakes), but you can still hit a provisional, and if you chose to hit a provisional, you must play that instead of taking the 2 stroke penalty drop (see attached pics). If the ball is determined to be OB, you can take the 2 stroke penalty and drop within the "relief area" shown in the attached pics; remember that a ball doesn't have to be found in the penalty area (any stakes) to be deemed to have gone into the penalty area. If it is not staked and you can't find your ball, it is a "Lost Ball" and not eligible for the "Leaf Rule" (see next section).
Attached are two images that show two situations for how where you can drop should your ball be deemed OUT OF BOUNDS.
Lost Ball Rule & Leaf Rule:
To help the pace of play we do NOT go back to the tee or spot of previous shot if you lose your ball or find it to be out of bounds. If there is any doubt that your ball is not find-able, you must hit a provisional ball BEFORE leaving the spot where you played a questionable shot. Leaf Rule: If your playing partners saw approximately where ball came to rest (in play and inside of the tree line) but your ball is not found, player will take one stroke penalty and drop near as possible to where ball disappeared and complete the hole. Think plugged ball rule with one stroke penalty, not free drop but not max, and help pace of play. If you fail to hit a provisional ball and your ball is lost (i.e. outside of the normal field of play and was lost in a non staked area) , YOUR HOLE IS OVER AND YOU TAKE MAX ON THAT HOLE.
Micro Tour Local Rules:
1-Always putt out if you can do so without stepping in someone’s line.
2- Play “ready golf.” Hit if safe and ready regardless of who’s “away.”
3-Get out and walk to your ball instead of sitting in the cart while playing partners hit.
4-Remember the mandatory provisional ball rule.
5-Mark a playing partner’s ball if it helps the pace of play.
6-Keep up with the group in front of you or allow other groups to play through.
7-If unsure of a rule, play a second ball and get a ruling after play is complete.
8-Mark or initial your golf balls to help identify your ball in case of wayward shots.
Range Finders – Players may use range finders during tournament play. Information provided
by range finders must be shared with all members of the foursome. It is not the responsibility
of the owner of the range finder to give distances for every shot played in the group but we hope
the use of these devices will help pace of play, not slow us down.
Micro Tour Web Site – www.themicrotour.com will serve as our source of information for the series. Schedule, results, leaderboard, tee times/pairings, announcements and updates will be posted on the web site. Take a few minutes between tournaments to stay up to date on the series by checking the web site.
Email Announcements – Soon after each tournament deposit deadline you will receive an email regarding your status for the next tournament. Please check these emails for your status and contact Drew ASAP with any questions or problems. Problems, such as not being listed as paid and in for that tournament, can be handled if caught soon after the deposit deadline. A phone call the night before the tournament leaves little time to make adjustments.
Championship - The goal of each member should be to make the top 20 on the final leaderboard and earn the qualifying bonus and a trip to the championship. The championship will be 54 or 72 holes combined net score contest conducted at a site determined early in the series.
Championship Qualifying
The top 20 on the final leader qualify for a berth in the season ending championship. All tournament winners earn exemption to the championship provided they play 5 tournaments. The previous year’s winner also receives an exemption for the championship. The field size will be a minimum of 24 players (to include the top 20; reigning champion, Micro Tour Staff, and alternates to fill the last foursome). The Championship field will be limited to 50% of the total roster size at the start of the season (i.e. first event), rounded to the nearest foursome.
Championship Qualifying Bonus – The top 20 players, based on best 5 nets scores on the final leaderboard will receive a qualifying bonus toward Championship fees.
New Member Sponsor - Each rookie will have a sponsor who will act as a mentor throughout the series. We only invite new members that have an existing member to sponsor them. This helps keep the size of our membership manageable. The sponsor helps new members understand series rules and helps the new guys meet other members. You may only sponsor ONE rookie a year (Ian Foster Rule).
John Flynn Rookie of The Year (retro active to include 2018 season)
The John Flynn Rookie of The Year award will go to the player who started the year without a Micro Tour Handicap and finished highest on the IKEA point standings at the end of the championship. Returning players from previous years are eligible provided they start the season without a handicap. The ROY winner must return to play the following year to receive the award or it will be deferred to the next eligible player.
Equitable Stroke Control/Maximums – During tournaments players do not take more shots on a hole than the maximum strokes allowed (per USGA handicap manual) based on their handicap. You per hole max will be net double bogey, and will be noted on your scorecard. When you reach your “MAX” on a hole, pick up, your hole is complete. This helps pace of play and reduces frustration.
Rookies should follow the table below for determining their max prior to establishing a Micro Tour handicap.
Typical Score or Handicap Maximum
70s or Less than 10 Double Bogey
80s or 10 to 19 7
90s or 20 to 29 8
100+ or 30 to 39 9
Side Bets & 50/50 Raffle - At most tournaments there are side bets. In 2021 it was voted to keep the cost at $20 and the side bets will be closest to the pin contests, gross and net skins (guests and Rookies are not eligible for net skins) and a 50/50 raffle. Half of the 50/50 pot goes toward Micro Tour expenses. Gross and net skins will payout $10 each regardless of number of skins or field size. This will help with post round processing.
Side bets and the 50/50 raffles are both optional and these payouts are separate from the tournament purses.
Micro Tour Accounting- Top 10 purse money is not paid out at tournaments but is kept “on account” to be used for future events or championship fees at the end of the season. If players choose not to attend the championship, their credits will be paid after the championship. Players are encouraged to pay at check in for upcoming tournaments. You can deposit money at any time for future tournaments. This helps player pay before the two week deadline and avoid missing tournaments for paying late.
To help the pace of play we do NOT go back to the tee or spot of previous shot if you lose your ball or find it to be out of bounds. If there is any doubt that your ball is not find-able, you must hit a provisional ball BEFORE leaving the spot where you played a questionable shot. Leaf Rule: If your playing partners saw approximately where ball came to rest (in play and inside of the tree line) but your ball is not found, player will take one stroke penalty and drop near as possible to where ball disappeared and complete the hole. Think plugged ball rule with one stroke penalty, not free drop but not max, and help pace of play. If you fail to hit a provisional ball and your ball is lost (i.e. outside of the normal field of play and was lost in a non staked area) , YOUR HOLE IS OVER AND YOU TAKE MAX ON THAT HOLE.
Micro Tour Local Rules:
1-Always putt out if you can do so without stepping in someone’s line.
2- Play “ready golf.” Hit if safe and ready regardless of who’s “away.”
3-Get out and walk to your ball instead of sitting in the cart while playing partners hit.
4-Remember the mandatory provisional ball rule.
5-Mark a playing partner’s ball if it helps the pace of play.
6-Keep up with the group in front of you or allow other groups to play through.
7-If unsure of a rule, play a second ball and get a ruling after play is complete.
8-Mark or initial your golf balls to help identify your ball in case of wayward shots.
Range Finders – Players may use range finders during tournament play. Information provided
by range finders must be shared with all members of the foursome. It is not the responsibility
of the owner of the range finder to give distances for every shot played in the group but we hope
the use of these devices will help pace of play, not slow us down.
Micro Tour Web Site – www.themicrotour.com will serve as our source of information for the series. Schedule, results, leaderboard, tee times/pairings, announcements and updates will be posted on the web site. Take a few minutes between tournaments to stay up to date on the series by checking the web site.
Email Announcements – Soon after each tournament deposit deadline you will receive an email regarding your status for the next tournament. Please check these emails for your status and contact Drew ASAP with any questions or problems. Problems, such as not being listed as paid and in for that tournament, can be handled if caught soon after the deposit deadline. A phone call the night before the tournament leaves little time to make adjustments.
Championship - The goal of each member should be to make the top 20 on the final leaderboard and earn the qualifying bonus and a trip to the championship. The championship will be 54 or 72 holes combined net score contest conducted at a site determined early in the series.
Championship Qualifying
The top 20 on the final leader qualify for a berth in the season ending championship. All tournament winners earn exemption to the championship provided they play 5 tournaments. The previous year’s winner also receives an exemption for the championship. The field size will be a minimum of 24 players (to include the top 20; reigning champion, Micro Tour Staff, and alternates to fill the last foursome). The Championship field will be limited to 50% of the total roster size at the start of the season (i.e. first event), rounded to the nearest foursome.
Championship Qualifying Bonus – The top 20 players, based on best 5 nets scores on the final leaderboard will receive a qualifying bonus toward Championship fees.
New Member Sponsor - Each rookie will have a sponsor who will act as a mentor throughout the series. We only invite new members that have an existing member to sponsor them. This helps keep the size of our membership manageable. The sponsor helps new members understand series rules and helps the new guys meet other members. You may only sponsor ONE rookie a year (Ian Foster Rule).
John Flynn Rookie of The Year (retro active to include 2018 season)
The John Flynn Rookie of The Year award will go to the player who started the year without a Micro Tour Handicap and finished highest on the IKEA point standings at the end of the championship. Returning players from previous years are eligible provided they start the season without a handicap. The ROY winner must return to play the following year to receive the award or it will be deferred to the next eligible player.
Equitable Stroke Control/Maximums – During tournaments players do not take more shots on a hole than the maximum strokes allowed (per USGA handicap manual) based on their handicap. You per hole max will be net double bogey, and will be noted on your scorecard. When you reach your “MAX” on a hole, pick up, your hole is complete. This helps pace of play and reduces frustration.
Rookies should follow the table below for determining their max prior to establishing a Micro Tour handicap.
Typical Score or Handicap Maximum
70s or Less than 10 Double Bogey
80s or 10 to 19 7
90s or 20 to 29 8
100+ or 30 to 39 9
Side Bets & 50/50 Raffle - At most tournaments there are side bets. In 2021 it was voted to keep the cost at $20 and the side bets will be closest to the pin contests, gross and net skins (guests and Rookies are not eligible for net skins) and a 50/50 raffle. Half of the 50/50 pot goes toward Micro Tour expenses. Gross and net skins will payout $10 each regardless of number of skins or field size. This will help with post round processing.
Side bets and the 50/50 raffles are both optional and these payouts are separate from the tournament purses.
Micro Tour Accounting- Top 10 purse money is not paid out at tournaments but is kept “on account” to be used for future events or championship fees at the end of the season. If players choose not to attend the championship, their credits will be paid after the championship. Players are encouraged to pay at check in for upcoming tournaments. You can deposit money at any time for future tournaments. This helps player pay before the two week deadline and avoid missing tournaments for paying late.